Ms. Stacey

Ms. Stacey
Going to work

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drawing of my son, Conner

Here is what I have so far but ... I will finish the hair, hat and I want to draw in some of his shirt. I will post a photo of the finished drawing when it is finished.  How many times did I type finished? It felt like a ton! LOL
I think I will also post the photo I worked from too! 

drawing of elderly man

During my drawing class on Friday, the teacher handed each student a magazine photo and told us to "DRAW IT". This elderly gent had the biggest, bushiest eyebrows ever! I spent about 20 minutes on the drawing before it was time to go. I had to return the picture but I really wanted to finish the drawing. He was an interesting looking man! Fun to draw the deep wrinkles.
Here is a 6X8 oil I did from a photo I took of the flags as we were leaving from a camp out at Lake LBJ. The storm was coming fast! It poured on us the night before. I slept inside my Nissan.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coppini portrait group painting

This is my portrait I did at Coppini this past Thursday.  I could not believe how many people were there! LOADS! It was great to paint with all those great artist and to see the large turn-out! I think the secret is getting out.

Taylor - A drawing of my son

Taylor was looking down at his computer as I drew him.