Ms. Stacey

Ms. Stacey
Going to work

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

" DINNER'S HERE! " Colored Pencil 8x11

Now ... for the Artsy stuff!
I finally sent a submission into the Different Strokes From Different Folks blog and it is on the blog so that is exciting for me.  It was a very good experience for me to do and now I can't wait till the next challenge to start drawing or painting it.  The new image will be posted tonight. It is a good thing for me to try and paint/draw things that I would normally not do.  Also, it is so cool and a very good learning experience to see the same image done by myself and other Artist. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drawing of my son, Conner

Here is what I have so far but ... I will finish the hair, hat and I want to draw in some of his shirt. I will post a photo of the finished drawing when it is finished.  How many times did I type finished? It felt like a ton! LOL
I think I will also post the photo I worked from too! 

drawing of elderly man

During my drawing class on Friday, the teacher handed each student a magazine photo and told us to "DRAW IT". This elderly gent had the biggest, bushiest eyebrows ever! I spent about 20 minutes on the drawing before it was time to go. I had to return the picture but I really wanted to finish the drawing. He was an interesting looking man! Fun to draw the deep wrinkles.
Here is a 6X8 oil I did from a photo I took of the flags as we were leaving from a camp out at Lake LBJ. The storm was coming fast! It poured on us the night before. I slept inside my Nissan.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coppini portrait group painting

This is my portrait I did at Coppini this past Thursday.  I could not believe how many people were there! LOADS! It was great to paint with all those great artist and to see the large turn-out! I think the secret is getting out.

Taylor - A drawing of my son

Taylor was looking down at his computer as I drew him.

Friday, January 30, 2009

drawing my Dog

Todays drawing class was very enjoyable.  I took my Dog to pose for us.  He did a great job! He is 15 so he is more then happy to lay there quietly. After we did a few 3 minute doggy drawings, we drew 2 other students and then she gave us a photo of a model to draw.  We were given 15 minutes for each drawing. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Different Strokes from different folks drawing

I came across this fun Blog. You can see the link on my page here under links. Click it and check it out. 
She posts a new photo every other Wed. of something she photographs and anyone who wants to can paint or draw it. She then posts them on her blog. I love to see all the different interpretations of the one subject.

Here is my pencil/pastel drawing of the subject this week.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Here are my NOSE drawings.  
It is amazing how different everyones nose is! As I draw I am concentrating on "SEEING" the shapes and shadows, not thinking how it is a nose.
Tomorrow on to mouths and then 2 self portraits.

I was sitting here with my leg propped up drawing noses. I Googled " Pig noses " thinking it would be fun to draw a pig nose and came across a journal about how a guy had to put down his Guinea pig. He had a picture of his pig and he was so cute. His name was Louis. ( The Pigs name ) It started me thinking of my pigs that i had in the past.  Spunky, Sherburt and Chewy. They were sweet little guys.  I used to call out their names when I would come into the house and they would squeal a greeting to me.  And when I would bring them my extra cuttings from the salad they would go nuts!
ANYWAY.... I was inspired to draw the handsome Louis as a memorial to him and to all handsome Guinea Pigs everywhere!
Thanks for the memories Louis!

Monday, January 19, 2009

                                                            My head in the clouds!
                                                           Me posing as an Alice in Wonderland caricature.

                                            And another silly photo of my very large brain!
                                            Does this photo make me look smart?

I missed my drawing class last week because it was the day after my surgery. 
I need to draw 10 mouths and two self portraits by Friday.  
That shouldn't be hard.  I have 3 people here that I live with, my 2 dogs and the rest I will get from photos. 
The self portraits should be interesting! I have never done one.
Here are some fun photos I took while playing on my Apple computer in the photo booth.  Not being able to walk really puts a stop to lots of important things and has enabled me to just do silly fun stupid things like these photos!

I started my blog and now I have been DOWN for about a week. Literally down! I had to have a minor surgery done on my right foot. 
Last Feb. I stepped onto a fountain pen.  You ask how the H-ll I could do that? Well, I was wearing sandals and when I drug my foot out of the car and stepped onto the driveway, I guess the fountain pen became lodged between my foot and sandal. The pen went straight into the foots arch.  
The next day I went to my Doc. showed her the shattered pen and told her how much it hurt.  I think she thought I was being silly because she put a band aid on it an sent me home. 
 Well, by July my ankle was hurting and the Doc. sent me for an Xray to check for Arthritis.  After the Xray Tech. took the first photo she asked me in a funny voice if I had any recent accidents.  I told her the only thing I had done recently was step on a pen that went up my foot.  She said, "Well, that explains it then"! She shows me the photo and there is my foot with the little metal writing end of the pen sitting in between some bones in my foot. 
I was kinda glad to see that because I was having pains in the foot and assumed it was Arthritis.  That being said I was annoyed that my Doc had not dug around in the wound to make sure nothing was stuck in it. 
I had surgery last week to remove it.  When the Doc got into the foot, he could not get the metal pen piece but he did repair the tear in the large ligament that the little pesky pen went through! He told me that if I am ever putting my socks on and feel an area in my foot that is protruding, let him know. It will most likely be that pen piece and he can easily remove it. He said it was just way up in the foot and he was concerned about hitting nerves and ligaments.
I can't walk for 3 weeks! My art studio is upstairs too so... I just have to be patient and before I know it, I will be up and runnign again! ( No, I do not run, I walk but you know what I mean!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This morning I had my son sit down while he ate a hot pocket and I drew his nose.  
His nose is a thing of sheer beauty, don't you think? 
When you focus on parts of the face to draw and not try to think about the whole area you see much more in the subject.  I saw things in this nose I have never noticed before,  that sounds silly and a little gross but it is true.

O.K. This gal is pretty hip, don't you think? Her mowhawk looks a little like Barbie hair plugs but a little shading would have helped.  But...the class was over so I shut the book and drove home.
I got outta her what I needed!

Scully with skin, hair, eyes and mouth. Oh yeah, a nose too! haha
If you draw, have you ever done anything like this? It was very helpful to draw a scull and then to draw on the humane elements to make it alive! 

Yesterday I attended my drawing class.  We drew the scull again and then we drew him with skin and eyes, nose and mouth.  It was a fun thing to do and I learned lots! This week we are to draw 10 noses for homework.
She asked us to draw ideally from life, then if we have to from a photo and to please not draw from someone else's sketch.  One student drew a few eyes from an art book about drawing she had at home. That is to easy and you do not learn anything and technically it's steeling and copying someone else's art. Then we went into a discussion about copyright material and artist. 
Here are a few sculls and scullies face!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Self Portrait of my eyes

I bet in the next weeks ahead,  I will have a self portrait nose, mouth and ears.  I think then I will cut all the pieces out and make a self portrait collage! 

Ribbit - eyes of a different color

Check out the frog eyes.  Total profile of a frog! I love frogs, they are so funny!

Cat eyes - Meow

Here are the rest of my ten eyes I was assigned to do during the week.  Or maybe I should say, "My eye homework"? 
The top eyes are a babys eyes.  The bottom are an elderly mans eyes. I like the contrast.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Tomatoes on 6X8 board. I liked the color of this background with the reds in the tomatoes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A small painting ( 6x8) I did at a recent Carol Marine workshop I attended.  What a great workshop! I loved the way she taught. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Drawing eyes

Our homework is to draw 10 or more sets of eyes, at least one infant, oriental, looking up, sideways, old, etc... you get the jest.  Here is my 1st 2. It will be very interesting for me to look back at these 1st drawings in just a few weeks to see my improvement! I did not get the proper tilt of the 2nd set of eyes at all but I learned!!!

Here are the two portrait drawings I did of my fellow classmates. We had 15 minutes. 
The lady with her hand up by her face is the teacher.

Portrait Drawing class

I started a portrait drawing class this past Friday up at the Coppini Academy of fine art.  Maren Phillips is the teacher and so far it is very good! She had us draw a skull  in order to understand the shape of the head.  Here are a few skulls I drew. Then we drew a few classmates for 15 minute poses.