Ms. Stacey

Ms. Stacey
Going to work

Monday, January 19, 2009

I started my blog and now I have been DOWN for about a week. Literally down! I had to have a minor surgery done on my right foot. 
Last Feb. I stepped onto a fountain pen.  You ask how the H-ll I could do that? Well, I was wearing sandals and when I drug my foot out of the car and stepped onto the driveway, I guess the fountain pen became lodged between my foot and sandal. The pen went straight into the foots arch.  
The next day I went to my Doc. showed her the shattered pen and told her how much it hurt.  I think she thought I was being silly because she put a band aid on it an sent me home. 
 Well, by July my ankle was hurting and the Doc. sent me for an Xray to check for Arthritis.  After the Xray Tech. took the first photo she asked me in a funny voice if I had any recent accidents.  I told her the only thing I had done recently was step on a pen that went up my foot.  She said, "Well, that explains it then"! She shows me the photo and there is my foot with the little metal writing end of the pen sitting in between some bones in my foot. 
I was kinda glad to see that because I was having pains in the foot and assumed it was Arthritis.  That being said I was annoyed that my Doc had not dug around in the wound to make sure nothing was stuck in it. 
I had surgery last week to remove it.  When the Doc got into the foot, he could not get the metal pen piece but he did repair the tear in the large ligament that the little pesky pen went through! He told me that if I am ever putting my socks on and feel an area in my foot that is protruding, let him know. It will most likely be that pen piece and he can easily remove it. He said it was just way up in the foot and he was concerned about hitting nerves and ligaments.
I can't walk for 3 weeks! My art studio is upstairs too so... I just have to be patient and before I know it, I will be up and runnign again! ( No, I do not run, I walk but you know what I mean!)

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